Dear colleagues, in the name of the Czech Small Animal Veterinary Association (CSAVA) it is a great pleasure to invite you to our XXIV. Annual Conference, which is being held on November 12 – 13, 2016 in Brno (in the expo area BVV). All foreign speakers will have their lectures in English. This means at least three streams both days are in English language! Our invitation has been accepted by Prof. Mike Willard, Texas, US, who will be the key note speaker for Gastroenterology on Saturday.
Personally, I am very honoured for Prof. Bernadette van Ryssen from Ghent, BE, who also accepted our invitation to be the keynote speaker for the Orthopaedic surgery, which is going to be on Saturday. For this day there is going to be also Soft tissue surgery stream conducted by Dr. Gert ter Haar, from London, UK who is going to be the keynote speaker.
On Sunday we will have no less interesting program ahead of us. The Haematology is going to be run by the internationally known haematologist Prof. Dennis B. de Nicola, US, Prof. Katharina Hittmair, AT is going to give lectures on Roentgenology, Dr. Stuart Ellis, GB on Ophthalmology.
We are going to have also some experts in their field from Czech Republic as Dr. Petr Šrenk (oncology – neurology), Dr. Aleš Tomek (oncology – neurology), Dr. Ondřej Škor (oncology), Dr. Michal Jiřička(homeopathy) and others.
So be a part of it and join our first really international annual meeting in Czech Republic!
Enjoy the city of Brno, Czech culture and cuisine and if time, the surrounding countryside known for its historical towns and excellent wineries.
Registration is now open online in English (early bird registration until 30th of August)!
Dear colleagues, we are looking forward to meeting you in Brno!
Speakers at the Conference
Michael D. Willard, DVM, MS Gastroenterology Bernadette van Ryssen, DVM, PhD Orthopaedic surgery Gert ter Haar, DVM, PhD, MRCVS, DECVS
Soft tissue surgeryKatharina Hittmair, Ass.-Prof.
RoentgenologyDennis B. de Nicola, DVM, PhD, DACVP Haematology Idexx diagnostic section Stuart Ellis, BVSc CertVOphthal MRCVS Oftalmologie MVDr. Jiří Beránek Ph.D.
OphthalmologyMVDr. Michal Jiřička
HomeopathyMVDr. Petr Šrenk DVM, Dipl. ECVN Oncology – neurology MVDr. Aleš Tomek, Dipl. ECVN
Oncology – neurologyMVDr. Ondřej Škor
OncologyMVDr. Leona Raušerová, Ph.D
Emergency medicineMVDr. Vendula Hubáčková
HomeopathyMVDr. Dagmar Tarkošová Ph.D. Nutritious management MVDr. Iveta Bečvářová, MS, Dipl. ACVN Clinical nutrition MVDr. Miloš Vávra